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WHY Holy Kids?

We strive to provide you with

a variety of resources 

that will help enkindle the fire of God's love in the hearts of children.

We want to walk with you 

as we plant seeds of faith and foster a friendship with Jesus in the next generation of disciples.



“Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage,

parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children.”

- CCC 2225

We support parents who strive to fulfill this great duty of passing on the faith in the 'domestic church.' 

Parents are the first heralds of the faith to their children.

Holy Kids wants to share the living faith with the whole family. Through fun and interactive experiences, we desire to help you and your family live the teachings of the Church in your home.


Educators of the Faith

“This presence (of lay catechists) is all the more urgently needed today as a result of our increasing awareness of the need for evangelization in the contemporary world"

- Pope Francis

Apostolic Letter - Instituting the Ministry of Catechist.

We are all educators of the faith because we are all called to "go and proclaim the Gospel." (cf. Mark 16:15) Holy Kids provides resources especially for religion teachers, faith formation directors, catechists, and all people who strive to form the younger members of the family of God in the teaching of the Church and to foster a personal relationship with God. 



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I am...

What are people saying
Holy Kids?


Brenda Mitzel, Ed.S.

Director of Catholic Schools

Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls

... Each lesson is well designed in Catholic content, presentation style and video length to appropriately and effectively teach young children... Catholic school students have been heard quoting and observed acting out what they learned after watching a Holy Kids Video...


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Emily Moore

Kindergarten Teacher and Parent

The videos are filled with great information at the appropriate level. The Sisters have added interactive tools to make the videos fun and engaging for children. I am continuously using the videos to help keep my students informed, engaged and loving the faith....


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Bridget Busacker


The simple, yet profound, analogies and explanations have impacted my husband and I as we think about the power of the Eucharist, the graces that flow from adoration, and the beauty of our vocation to love. The girls are enraptured by Holy Kids and they are created in a way that is inviting, calm, and thoughtful.


Holy Kids is a ministry of "Sacred Heart of Jesus", an apostolate of the religious sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta.

"Sacred Heart of Jesus" is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

©2024 by Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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